Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tips on How to Attract Your Dream Man

Tips on How to Attract Your Dream Man 

Many ladies complain of not having luck in getting or attracting the man of their choice.
This article will greatly assist any lady to win over any man of her desired. It explains how to go about it point by point. Trust me, if all the tips explained here are strictly followed, you will forever be thankful. It is good to state here that each man may have a specific factor(s) or attitude that turns him ON, but the tips explained here are general tips that work for majority (90%) of men globally 

To get and keep a man’s heart, love and occupying his thought, it is my advice to read this article from beginning to an end. Comprehend it and digest it. Happy reading!

These are tips that could be used to win any man of your desired forever.
I.     Good scent (odour).

Good scent or odour is an important factor that makes lady to be noticed or be attracted to men. In our findings, 85% of men are easily attracted to any lady that has a good scent (odour) coming out of her body. What a wonderful way of wooing a man! 
Good scent can make a man fall in love with a lady instantly. Make use of any good perfume that gives good scent but use it moderately by applying it behind your knees, inside of your ankles, behind your ears, wrists, or in the bend of your elbow.
This would register your presence in his mind. Please try it, it works well.

ii.  Show a little, Hide a little more.

The way ladies dress also matter much if really, she wants to attract any man of her choice. You must dress in a polite manner which reveal little and hide little of your certain body area that shows your womanly endowment with a moderate dressing, necklaces and bracelets. This makes you attractive to men but do not reveal it all, so as not to be taking for a slut. This indeed, is a big weapon in wooing any man of your choice.

iii. Be Confident of yourself 

With all points mentioned above, if you are not confident of yourself, you might lose your dream man. Your confidence could be improved by making a complete fresh-up, put on nice clothes and make a good-looking hairstyle. Be confidence does not mean exhibiting arrogance behaviour. You must be respectful while you are being confidence. Yes, don’t look down on any man! This chases men away quickly like a thunder spark.

iv.  Meeting environment (Point)

Environment where you meet is also another important factor needs to be considered seriously. You must study an environment where your presence can easily be noticed by him and get his attention with no distraction or less distraction from other ladies. If this is adhere to, then success of grabbing your dream man is very close. Congratulations in advance.
v. Show signs of interest

If you strictly abide by all points mentioned above through constant practice, surely your dream man is at hand. To follow these points up, you need to start showing him some signs which would clearly tells him you are interested in him. Let this practice be consistent and persistence until you finally get him.

Moreover, you can also go further assisting him in doing some things which are not necessarily necessary such as helping him to clear his ways, face him directly when discussing and so on. Once again, be moderate in doing all these. Never allow it to be too extreme. Be balanced in your actions !
vi. Learn how to display special but simple walk (Cat Walking)

This is also important. Do not walk anyhow in front of your desired man. Learn how to walk in a special way, even, if it involves learning it. Try to display this act maturely whenever he is around you. Many men love and are attracted to any lady that cat walk, though, he might not react to this, but trust me, men love it.
To help you in this act, you can learn this skill on youtube.
vii. Practice little of “Hard-to-Get” syndrome.

Ladies need to exercise extra caution here, for, if not done correctly can blow away like a “thin air”  the ample chance of winning him over. You can do this by slightly showing signs of less attention towards him for a short period or moment. This act is called “Play hard-to-get syndrome”.
Show him less appreciation in some of the things he does for you. This should be done occasionally. Make him feel as if you are not interested in him. This is good just to make him appreciate and respect you more. It makes him feels you are not presenting yourself cheaply to him.
This is a negation of   your desire, but it is necessary, if you want to be accorded with much respect.

viii.   Let him do the talking

It is always good to allow man do most of the talking. You make him fill on top of the game by allowing him to be in control of the discussion.
ix.   Be playful and explore more of him

Another way to attract your desire man is by playing along with him. Let him feel relax and safe whenever you are lucky to be with him.  By this, it makes you know him better and discovered his week point to woo him over.
x.   Do not appear needy

Be extra careful in your ways of dealing with him when it comes to your needs. Let him feels you can survive without his assistance. Whenever he tries providing your needs, advice him to be moderate and prudent in spending. This attitude would make him feel you more, and sees you as compassionate and a responsible lady to spend the rest of his life with.
In conclusion, I am confidently sure that if any lady strictly follows all the points highlighted above, you will definitely get and keep your desired man forever under your umbrella. Yes, under your care. Once again, BIG CONGRATULATIONS in advance as meet your DREAM man.
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