Friday, April 17, 2020






CorelDraw is most frequently and commonly used graphic designing application today. Initially CorelDraw was first drawing application that was fully window based application. Few version of it was compatible on Apple Mac too.

It provides wonderful tools and commands which are mostly useful in illustration and layout making. It is also capable to make graphical artists task easier, simpler and faster to understand. There are other software programs like it, but Corel is one of the leaders in the industry produced by a Canadian corporation.

CorelDraw is not only an illustration & lay outing software but also it is an image editing software too. Now days CorelDraw is a general purpose tool for professional or amateur designers all around the world for creating static 2D graphics and lay outing. 

It consists of full range image and vector editing tools which allow all the users to adjust brightness, contrast, color combination, color format changing from RGB to CMYK, adding watermark, special effects such as vignettes and special borders to bitmaps. It is computer software, so all of the work is done on the computer rather than with paper and pencil. . It is in some ways like the Photoshop suite where you can edit pictures and also draw pictures.



In CorelDraw different types of fonts and clip arts are available, which are useful to make visiting cards, logos, and various creative layouts. It is one of the most popular tools for making the illustrations of model in fashion designing too. 

In CorelDraw for fast vector work an interactive and mind blowing shaping and illustrations tools are available, which are useful for tracing anything quickly.

It has an extensive range of tools that enable anyone to edit any shape or design with ease and precision, fitting of text according to the shape or design and creating custom color completely.

Although all the drawing programs have a definite anatomy but they share common pattern of tools and commands. The path selection for each drawing are composed with line segments with the help of anchor points at each end.


Use of CorelDraw is a 2D Vector based lay-outing application as we know already. It is the backbone of desktop publishing and graphic design industry.

Some of the common uses of CorelDraw are:
      i.        Stationery Designing
    ii.        Magazine Designing
   iii.        News Paper Designing
   iv.        Books Designing
    v.          Illustration Making
   vi.        Logo Making
  vii.       Designing of Calendar
viii.       Newsletters
   ix.        Brochures
    x.         Business cards and many more... 


The Importance of CorelDraw

For marketing companies, advertising agencies, and other like companies CorelDraw can be highly important to know so that an employee can do the editing required with one of the top software programs on the market. CorelDraw is one of the software products to be familiar with.

The canvas, paper, ink and pencil function of media are now replaced by CorelDraw, a computer program for people to express their ideas in pictorial/ graphically.


Learning and Practicing CorelDraw

The more one practices and becomes proficient, the more the capability to handle complex demands in the field of graphic designing. The sheer convenience of using Corel Draw makes it its biggest attraction. And with newer clientele coming in everyday, its creators, Corel Corporation has been consistently upgrading its product with newer features in every release making it today the top choice in the field of graphic designing.


Advantages of Using CorelDraw 

  • ·         For a nifty program of its size, Corel Draw occupies uses very limited capacity of any machine i.e., a computer’s memory. This means the machine works to its full capacity required very less down-time and the performance never is an issue. Also, it is very easy to install on most machines and is OS independent. You could be using windows OS or Linux or any other but your still gets done with equal speed and dexterity.
  •       CorelDraw is used especially for print media because of its wide number of patterns and templates which are not available in illustrator. Though if you look on net you will get hundreds of symbols, brushes and patterns for both illustrator and CorelDraw on free websites.

  • ·         For a humongous program of its size and capabilities, CorelDraw is rather easy to learn. It is partly due to the way it is structured and in equal measure due to its extremely good tutorial and help guides. Also, being widely-used software, the number of publications catering to this software is huge. 

  • ·         The creators of this excellent program have seen to it that future versions are support work done in older versions and have made the whole processing and saving a delight.



CorelDraw Video Tutorials

A very effective means of learning CorelDraw is through Video tutorials. By going through this tutorial, one can learn how to use basic shapes and images in CorelDraw.
For would-be students of graphics and designing, the best way to learn is to study all the video tutorials consistently. For this reason, you can click these free Coreldraw Tutorials. Click HERE to view it (It’s absolutely free).  For anything to do with arts, this is the best place to be.

Don’t be Afraid


#1.  Drawing is a Skill

This means that drawing is not some magical activity that some people are born with the ability to do. A skill is something that can be taught and most importantly-learned. If you want to draw, draw better, or draw as a professional- you can. Anyone can become skilled atdrawing. Don’t ever say, “I can’t draw.”

#2.  Drawing is at least 50% Observation

Drawing is about seeing. So many people think they can draw well without looking at an object. Then they become disappointed that their drawings don’t look representational. You must look at objects in order to draw them. In fact, you need to look at objects a lot in order to draw them. 
I suggest that the amount of time you should spend looking at your object should be half the time it takes to complete the drawing. Drawing is at least 50% observation. If you want to draw an elephant, then look at an elephant. Really study it. Understand why you see it that way, then draw it. 

Everyone knows that one way to cheat on a test is to look at someone else’s paper. When you draw, look at your object- the answers are there. Just put them on your paper. More on drawing from observation can be found here.

#3. Use Resources

This one is related to #2. Gather photos or better yet take photos of objects if you can’t draw them in person. Some people may forsake me for this one. It’s just not possible to draw everything from life. So when you can’t be in the African Savannah to draw that lion, use a photo or three. 

#4. Look For Basic Shapes

Everything in the world can be simplified into basic shapes. When you are studying your subject, try to pick out the basic shapes that make up the overall shape. Usually these shapes are pretty easy to draw. Draw the shapes then draw the contours (outlines). This tip will help you with your speed as well. 

#5. Use a Full Range of Value

Value is the darkness or lightness of a color. So value is about light. We can’t see without light, therefore we see things because of value. It’s not about color. Although color is important too. Make a value scale and then use it. Make sure that your drawing has a full range of value.

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