(Part One)
Do not fear that if you
treat the woman with a presidential touch, she will take you for granted. Most men are under the
impression that if you treat a woman well, she will begin to grow wings,
following that argument, the natural thing to do is to lay the woman on the
carpet, have her play the foot mat and take her to full lengths.

Do not let her
see the light of the day, lest she revolts and ask questions.
There is a sublime level
where, if you can carry somebody to, this person begins to acquire noble
qualities, and show grace rather than being naughty. It is to this level that
men must learn to carry their women. It is the same as saying that if you
scratch my back, I will scratch yours back.
Men should not be afraid to
treat their women as the princesses that they are. Take for instance, the case
of taking a woman out as regularly as you go out. The truth is that if you do, you will be
eliciting from the woman, an air of regard and in turn, you will get regard.
Exactly why there is general deterioration in relationship today is because most men are not treating their
women with the regard necessary to maintain enthusiasm within, have let their
woman loose the level of zest needed to sustain a relationship.
For instance, if you
continue to consider it too much to take your woman out each time you too go
visiting or attend social engagements, the human spirit, which naturally abhors
bondage, will certainly prompt her to find a way to vent her desire to free
Some women, in the process, now associate with undesirable
friends, or people of the opposite sex, which can turn out into sexual infidelity.
Moreover, the more you let
her go out with you, and in all things, the better for the relationship.
…To be continued.
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