Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Start Information Marketing Business Online

How to Start Information Marketing Business Online

What is Information Marketing

Information marketing is basically about selling information to people online. This information is usually made available in soft copy and could take the form of e-books, reports which is also known as e-booklets, videos, audio or any other format. For developing countries, e-books are generally easier and more accessible over the Internet than videos because of the slow internet connection speeds and expensive bandwidth costs.

E-marketing is not a face to face marketing and you do not need to meet anybody one on one or try to verbally convince anybody to buy anything. In information marketing, your web pages and email messages do all the marketing for you and all you have to do is sit back and wait for the payment alerts to start arriving on your phone.

How it Works

In this type of online business, once you have set up the proper systems and have started promoting and advertising, everything else is nearly automatic.

Information marketing is very good because you can begin to get returns within two or three months of starting up. Once the system is in place, all you are required to do is monitor it occasionally to ensure that you are getting the desired response, and also monitor your bank account. When anybody buys from you, you verify their payment and forward the product to their email and that’s it. This can either be done manually or automatically.

But unlike Google Adsense where you can start without any capital, to get fast and guaranteed results from information marketing, you need to invest a little amount to start up. The first sales you make can then be reinvested into the business and after a short while, you will begin to turn in increasingly bigger and better profits as your list of prospects grows and more people get to know about you and your products.

Also you do not necessarily need to be the one to write this information that you market. There are places where you can buy the rights to resell already existing eBooks or hire someone to write for you.

Promote and Market your e-product

The first approach is to build a list of prospective buyers by offering them
something for free like a free e-book or a free email course. The strategy of building a list of prospective buyers is known as the indirect or auto responder method. After using the free stuff to lure them in and increase your credibility then you start sending them emails gently marketing your products to them. Since you have already captured their email, you can keep mailing and mailing them trying to get those who have not yet bought to buy.

Direct method

Here you do not use an auto responder to capture emails. All you need is just a web page talking about the benefits of your e-book and trying to convince the visitor to buy. This page, also known as a sales page, will list the benefits and contents of the e-book or package that you are selling and most importantly instructions telling people how to place their order.
The simplest process of ordering is by stating your bank account and asking customers to pay into it after which they should send a text message to you with the depositor name, payment slip number, amount paid, email and phone number.

When a payment is made into your account, you will get an alert from your bank and all you need to do is to confirm the payment with the texts sent to you and forward the e-book to the buyer’s email address. There are also automatic ways that payments can be processed via ATM card but that is a much more complex process.

Promoting and Advertising the Sales page

The next task would be to start promoting and advertising the page so as to get as many people as possible to visit it, see what you have written and hopefully buy. With a great product, good list and a well designed sales page, you can make hundreds of thousands and even millions of money from a single product within a very short time. 

It all depends on how convincing your sales page is and how well you are able to promote it.
One very important rule that you should always adhere to is honesty. It is easy to make false claims and deceptive statements on your sales page and yes it might actually improve your sales but if your product does not contain or do what you claim that it does, then you have automatically become a fraudster and your name becomes tainted online. 

So my most important advice to intending info marketers is never ever deceive or make false claims about your product. A little exaggeration is sometimes understandable but try not to over-do it.

If you are going with the other method (auto responder method), the fastest and most effective way to build a list is through paid advertising on platforms like Facebook, Nairaland or Google or contacting popular websites directly. The bigger the list you 
are able to build and the faster you are able to build it, the bigger revenues you will get and the faster you will get a return on your initial investment.

The minimum capital you will need to start information marketing is about $60 (N24,000) or $150 (> N50,000)  if you want to start off very well. Note that the more you are able to invest especially on advertising, the greater the profits you will make.

Here are the main things needed to start a successful info marketing business:

i. Hot Product

A useful and highly demanded information product (ebook) is the first key to success. The product you are selling is very critical to the success of this business because you do not expect people to be interested in what they do not need. 

Generally, your product must be able to solve a very pressing need of the people in the niche that you are targeting. Some popular niches that are always hot are wealth creation, health and fitness (dieting, weight loss etc) and Relationships (finding love, satisfying your partner in bed etc).

Another very important thing to note is that your product must be of very good quality, must be worth the cost (even more than) and must do as you say it would, if not then nothing differentiates you from the many scammers out there. If you cannot create/write your own, you can buy the rights to sell someone else’s book. Such rights are called Private label rights or Resale Rights (or Master Resale Rights or MRR).

If you are good at writing, you could also create your own products and sell the resale rights to others for much more than the actual e-book costs and get yourself even additional revenue.

ii. A Credit or Debit Card

This is what you will use to pay for the advertising, the auto responder and any other online expenses. Most of the good banks do give these cards to their customers on request.
To get more details on how to get any of these cards, go to any branch of the respective banks and ask them for details.


iii. An Auto responder

An autoresponder is not mandatory in information marketing but it can be very helpful. Instead of sending people directly to your sales page as done in the direct method, what you do is to use the autoresponder to collect email addresses and build a database list of prospects i.e potential buyers. It is also used to automatically send periodic email messages regarding your product to your list.

An autoresponder is a wonderful thing that can save you the stress of sending regular messages to your prospects. It can also help you to build trust and credibility with your target market. It is one of the most powerful tools used in information marketing. 

There are some companies like TrafficWave, Getresponse, Aweber, Mailchimp etc where you can pay monthly to use their online autoresponder or you can build and host your own by yourself especially if your email list is very large.

As mentioned earlier, an autoresponder is not mandatory in information marketing but it is highly recommended and has the added benefit of giving you the contact details of people who have shown some interest in what you have to offer. 

These types of people are easier to convince and a series of well crafted email messages can help convince more people about your product than just a brief encounter with your sales page as obtains in the direct method.

iv. A Webpage

This page is also known as a sales page, this is where you will put all the details about the product that you are selling. It will contain all the details and benefits of the product that you are selling and it is meant to convince the visitors to buy the product.
Now all these things listed above are not too difficult to setup as long as you have the correct guidelines.


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