Originally, I had wanted to
leave out the issue of meeting your proposed spouse. Perhaps this would have
been better suited for another article, but how can we talk of choosing someone
without at least teasing ourselves a bit on the issue of how and where to meet
a possible person, wife or husband.
Meeting a person should
start with the question “who are you”
what type of person are you”?, and what then do you want”?
First of all, if you are a
loose person, then go to where looseness is and you will get your sort of
person. But more realistically, the church, mosque, workplace, in the academic
places, conference, seminars, even in the bus, or through an awkward situation
where it now falls on you to stand by someone, you can get someone to start
talking to about marriage. And choosing begins from there.
Dig deeper to know more
The mere fact that you now
come upon somebody in the church or mosque, does not just make the right, or
make him or her right. No, God does not just place the right marriage partners
on the church pew, or in the choir, or in the men’s fellowship for you. He/she
could be met even on the road.
So, having got the person,
find out the background. Who are his/her people? Where does he/she come from? What
is the person’s domestic profile? You need to know. A man met a lady sometime ago and was bowled
over with this lady. But upon telling the parents, they, having heard about
lady, known the family background, seriously dissuaded this man.
However, since he would not
bulge, they arranged with that family so that the man spends a week-end with
the family. His discoveries that week-end were enough to make this man run back
with speed.
First, he found, on arrival
that this lady’s room was not swept. Very dirty and clothes worn for a long
time were piling one on the other. Then, this woman is very domineering,
ordering her younger ones around, while swapping words with the mother as if
they were mates, and only with difficulty that the father could speak to her
and gain a hearing.
It was her mother and the
younger ones that did all the cooking; she never came near the kitchen. He now
came back to conclude that there is no point wanting to marry this lady. She is
not worth it. Merely seeing somebody on the road and considering that you have
seen somebody fantastic is never right. Dig deeper to know more.
This man you want to marry,
do you know him? Can you get closer so that you will know more? The tragedy of
most of today’s marriages is that a man just meets a lady, takes her out to lunch,
dinner and goes to places together and then marriage is booked. No real digging
in, digging deep.
Artificial Help
Another tragedy of wrong
choosing of marriage partner is that people just meet, and because a man begins
to “help” you in some areas, a marriage is stricken. No questions about the
sort of man, background, his character, even the source of that money you seem
to be seeing now.
Reasons You May Not Choose
In choosing a man to marry,
you must consider the degree of independence of the man, Is he independent? Can
he stand? Will he bow and leave you in the ring because mama or papa, or friend
said so-and-so? Can he stand on what he believes? This is very important.
The man you want to marry,
does he gives ears to hear-say or is he a “see-say”
person? Influenced by what others say about you? A man who cannot believe only
what he sees will definitely be led astray one day by what they tell him about
you. This is a fact.
A man that is too careful
about every little kobo he gives you is likely to have problems with you over
money or no money. Check this out. It could mean so much.
Does he believe so much in
himself, his achievements, his estates, his cars, that he now considers you as
a mere cock-boat tied to the great galleon on the sea… If so, as time goes on,
he is the type that seems to see his achievements as too important, and that no
woman should dare.
The reason why most of those who call themselves modern achievers, do not seem to
consider marriage quickly is this point. And woman, I hope you are not shipping
into this gauge. Try and detect this out.
There are some men who have
no room for a woman at all. They simply are too busy, too occupied. This is
bad. And for the woman, who is before you for choice, there are some simple
things to look out for.
Is she your type of woman?
I mean her taste. Is he
asking for aeroplane when what you can afford is just a modest car? Is she
asking for dinner at Hotel Presidential when what you can afford is an ordinary
plate of food in a basic wayside restaurant? Her tastes, can you meet up? There are some women whose tastes
expectations, are too far, too high, too much.
The woman you wish to marry,
does she believe in you? Does she consider you big enough to worship, to
regard, to honour? Do you see clear signs that she is ready to accept you as
you are, and therefore show submission at all times? That is, she can say;
“although I would have liked it this way, but because you say so, let it so be!
Talking about reasons to (or
not to) choose, can you consider that lady if she is hardworking, and looks
also to tomorrow. Does she love to work hard? For, if a woman loves hardworking
surely, that woman will push you to work hard also. Allied to this is the fact
that this woman will prefer that both of you make sacrifices today, for the
sake of tomorrow. Not one that will say; bring all, let us squash, eat,
tomorrow shall look after itself”. You need a provident woman.
Is she God-fearing? Does she
regard God in her ways? Your wife shall be the closet person to your children,
and if you choose a God-fearing wife, surely, your children, shall also enjoy
that benefit of being brought up as God fearing persons. Most a times, we men
are always outside, winning the bread of the house and it is she the woman that
stays close to the children.
Moreover, a God-fearing
woman, even when angry with you, and in her human self would have done you bad upon
remembering the Lord-her-God, will refrain and think. So, marry a woman that
regards God in all her ways, is a guarantee of your security.
Avoid Pretending in Choosing (No Sentiments)
At this stage of courtship,
there are cover-ups. People deliberately cover up a lot of things that needed
to be known so that the other party will truly decide whether or not to accept
marriage with that very person.
Many years ago, a man had
agreed to marry a woman; they had started all arrangements, wedding all set.
But four days to the wedding, the man changed. Switched over to another woman.
The reason was that the
woman had got a ten year old boy already, but had kept the matter tightly
hidden from the fiancée. And when the man knew about this, he simply
disappeared from the field of play.
This woman now took the man
to court, claiming costs for embarrassment, costs for actual purchase/wedding
preparations. Defendant was able to prove his case that it was only five days
to the wedding that the plaintiff’s son became known to him And the court
discharged and acquitted this man. He was free to go and marry another, the
court held.
So, to make a good choice of
a marriage partner, do not pretend. Disclose all the facts you know about
yourself. Be open, very open. This is another true life story that happens
between two born again Christians, in one of the big Anglican Churches in
What happened was that the
woman had told the man that she has never had any child before. But two years
into their marriage, came two children, one 4 years, the other 6 years. They
were her own children. The man was surprised. Passed out momentarily. Now the
man began to agitate that the marriage will not hold again.
Even, in insurance, the
policy of utmost good faith prevails. The law of non-disclosure states that the
policy can be voided by the discovery of a key fact that was not put to light
when the policy was effected between the insurance company and the policy
“What therefore God has put
together, let no man put asunder”, fine. Good talk. But, what of what God has
not put together? Like a marriage into which somebody is bent with lies,
cover-ups and pretences? Can it be kept together? Is God a God of lies,
pretence and cover-ups?
This article was written so
as to confront ugly situations that exist, and take them real. What we see of most
marriage choices today is hidden
packages carried away for a wife or for a husband.
Both of you wanting to get
into marriage must be open to each other. No pretences. Straight to point. This
is me. Can I know you? Don’t pretend. Do you eat too much? Let your would-be
spouse know about this and more.
This is why I do not know
how I feel when I see a lot of rules in some religion circles about how
would-be spouses should stay too far and peep through the glass at each other.
When will they get to know each other so closely so as to really understand
whether they can tolerate each other idiosyncrasies or not?
For instances,
one area where fire is burning today in most marriages is sexual incompatibility or sexual neglect. I insist that would-be couples
should discuss this very seriously and be sure that they can cope with each
This is of course quite
apart from pre-marital sex. They should reasoning together and make a better
One area where cover-ups can
kill is your romantic past. From day one, tell your would-be partner whether
you had a wife before, if so, how many children? Whether you had a husband
before or not? What broke the marriage? Whether there was a child out of it or
not? This marriage / romance history is
very important. Do not pretend over it. Not at all.
All manner of questions that
is desirable should be asked and frank answer should be given, no cover ups.
This is how to truly know yourselves. And
“knowing me, knowing you”, is the real key to marriage success.
be continued.
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