Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Start Managing Your Own Business

How To Start Managing Your Own Business

Starting and running a business is a creative, challenging and flexible mean of securing one future. It involves creating a life and making a living.

You need courage, determination, consistency and persistency to be an entrepreneur. Getting started as an entrepreneur involves leaving the relatively safe certainty of the corporate world, where pay checks arrive regularly at the end of the month, and moving into the uncertainty world of business.

The following are steps and decisions that need to be taking by an entrepreneur:
       i.    Identification of business opportunities or ideas
      ii.    Selecting an opportunity
     iii.    Preparing a business plan
     iv.    Gathering resources
      v.    Selecting the legal form of the business
     vi.     Obtaining licenses, permits and approvals from the relevant    
             government agencies
    vii.    Launch your business  

Identification of business opportunities or ideas

The starting point of the establishment of a new business is an idea of a product or service which can be used to satisfy identified needs of individuals, families, or organizations.

Such a product or service must offer a viable solution to a problem experienced by potential consumers for which they are willing to pay.

It is only if potential consumers can see the benefits of the product or service and are willing to pay a price satisfactory to the entrepreneur  that we can say that a business opportunity exists.

Factors to consider in choosing business opportunities are:

·           - The skills you will need for successful operation of the business
            -  Relevant experience
            -  Personal interest and preferred life-style of the entrepreneur   
            -  Support of the family 
            -  Capital 
            The desired level of income 
            -  Risk tolerance 
Choosing Name For Your Business

To be useful to the business, it should be easy to pronounce, easy to remember, reflect the nature of the business and should be unique.

The business name must be registered with the appropriate authorities such as Corporate Affair Commission.

The following are  the legal form of the business that are available:
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Liability Company
  • Public Corporation
  • Cooperatives
  • Joint venture

Why Business failed

Many factors are responsible for business failures. Most of these factors are categorized as external and internal factors.

External factors
  • Poor Macroeconomic Environment
  •  Inconsistency in Government industrial policies
  •   Lack of infrastructural facilitie
Internal factors
  • Lack of proper planning
  • Poor management practices
  • Poor Customer Services
  • Insufficint Marketing Strategy

  •          Insufficient Marketing Strategy

  • ·         Owner’s  behavior towards the business

  • ·         Excessive Expenditure

  • ·         Inadequate business skills and knowledge

  • ·         Salaries

  • ·         Production of outdated products or services 

Some of the common problems of small scale businesses are:

  • ·         Finding it difficult to be established in the first year or two years.

  • ·         Finding and keeping customers.

  • ·         Developing products or services that would stand the test of the time.

  • ·         Inability to keep competent staff.

  • ·         Finding it difficult to delegate duties to employee(s).

  • ·   Inability to expand the business as a result of competing with larger companies (Competitors).

  • ·         Limited skills and knowledge to run the business.

  • ·         Limited capital and inability to make good use of available capital.

  • ·         Use of offices or environment that unsuitable for the selected business.
           Importance of creating a winning business plan
            It is always good to have a business plan before embarking on any kind of business.              Having  a business plan ensure that the entrepreneur remains focused on his or her plan.

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